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One (1) Star on the St. Anthony ...

St. Anthony School

Deliverance - Guided Kayak Tour

John Cipollina

St. Anthony Band Instructor and Spanish Teacher, Mr. C, will take you on a guided kayak tour on Black Creek in Hartsville.  No experience necessary.  For novice paddlers, the party is limited to 3 people.  There is a maximum of 3 kayaks available for use so if you want a larger party, you need to bring your own.

St. Anthony Band Instructor and Spanish Teacher, Mr. C, will take you on a guided kayak tour on Black Creek in Hartsville.  No experience necessary.  For novice paddlers, the party is limited to 3 people.  There is a maximum of 3 kayaks available for use so if you want a larger party, you need to bring your own.

St. Anthony Band Instructor and Spanish Teacher, Mr. C, will take you on a guided kayak tour on Black Creek in Hartsville.  No experience necessary.  For novice paddlers, the party is limited to 3 people.  There is a maximum of 3 kayaks available for use so if you want a larger party, you need to bring your own.